I successfully made it to 50 and completed my goal to Blog daily about the experience. Now it's a New Year and time for new beginnings... Join me as I chronicle life as an active political operative, writer, empowerment speaker, mom to three sons, wife, daughter, runner, friend, and mentor. We're going to have fun so please come along for the ride!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Day 258: Make Today Count

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Day 257: We Can Do It

Mrs. Doyle was unaware of the poster's existence until 1982, when, while thumbing through a magazine, she saw a photograph of it and recognized herself. Her daughter said that the face on the poster was her mother's, but that the muscles were not.
"She didn't have big, muscular arms," [her daughter Stephanie] Gregg said. "She was 5-foot-10 and very slender. She was a glamour girl. The arched eyebrows, the beautiful lips, the shape of the face -- that's her."
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Day 256: Are We Tired Yet?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day 255: More Family

Pictured here are all 6 grand kids with Papa Jack. L-R: Esme (11), Jack, Spencer (15), Zoe (19), Olivia (17), Harrison (15), and Brandon (19).
As I've often said, having this much family is both a blessing and a burden! There are lots of relationships to maintain & manage, but it is well worth the effort. Tonight was pure blessing! For the first time in a really, really long time, we gathered all four Ritter children, their respective others, and all six of the grandchildren. What a gathering. Papa Jack was so happy to have all his kids & grand kids assembled together for some holiday cheer.
It's crazy to think how we have all grown over the years... Jonathan Ritter is 28 now, Josh Ritter 31. Both are attorney's, just like Dad. Johnny in private practice, Josh a District Attorney.
Pictured here, me, Jack, the patient & lovely Pam Ritter, Johnny, Michele and Josh.
With so much family, you never really feel alone in the world that is for sure! It was a great evening ... you have to create the memories to have memories is what I always say. If you don't make an effort to connect with those that you love, then it doesn't happen and then the years will go by ... I'm so happy we all connected tonight.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Day 254: The "Other" Simon's

If you are lucky enough in life to meet special people along your journey who leave i

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Day 253: Holidays Sushi Style

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Day 252: HO HO HO

Friday, December 24, 2010
Day 251: Christmas Eve Tradition

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Day 250: More Holiday Cheer

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Day 249: Another Family Feast

Pictured here is college boy Brandon with his Papa Joe.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Day 248: The Lawry's Tradition

Pictured here is my son Brandon and his friend beautiful Kalli, who took all the lovely photos for us!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 247: Still Overwhelmed
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Day 246: Too Exhausted
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Day 245: 'Tis The Season

Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 244: My Baking Experience

This all being said though, being the competitive person I am, if I make the guest list for next year, you can bet I'll be coming with the best damn cookies! Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Day 243: Celebrating Our Victories

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Day 242: My Aching Feet, No More

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Day 241: 24 Hours

Monday, December 13, 2010
Day 240: Beaches, Babies, Beautiful

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Day 239: Baking Molassas Cookies

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Day 238: Another 10K Completed

Pictured here are me, Melody, and a fabulous woman Nina who I met on my run. She liked my pace and ran the entire race with me.... which was great because she kept me motivated!
My friend and athletic trainer Melody Roset ran the short race too, but she is so much faster then I am so we didn't run together. A 10k is 6.2 miles. Not really a lot when you are training for a marathon which is 26.2 miles, but just the same it is still tough to get your butt up at 5 a.m. and be at the start line at 7:30 and run for more than an hour! I mean did you do that today!?
I'm proud to report that I shaved 10 minutes off my race time since the last 10k I ran in Brentwood in the Spring with hubby Brian. Ten minutes is a really great improvement so I'm proud about that!
Of course though I'm sore. Still can't beat the extreme pain in my buttocks and lower back. Since it was just 6 miles my feet did just great so that was good.... but as I write this post I am in a lot of pain! I just hope my body holds up till March when I'll run the Los Angeles Marathon. Some days I think how the hell am I going to run so many miles. And then I remember there was a time I couldn't even run one mile, and now I've completed one 5k race, two 10k races, and a half marathon (13.1). So I'm on track... now it's Martini time!
Run Robyn Run!
PS If you want to get fit and learn to run races, contact Melody at Mako Training www.MakoTraining.com
Preparing for the Race

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Day 236: Visiting the Dentist

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Day 235: The Driving Process

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Day 234: A Gracious Mother & Leader

Monday, December 6, 2010
Day 233: Ah, The Holidays

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Day 232: Happy Hanukkah

Here's our beautiful niece Gabriella Figueroa lighting the Hanukkah candles on the menorah with Cheri, our gracious host, watching!

Pictured here are sons Spencer, Harrison, Me and my niece Olivia.
There never seems to be enough time to visit with everyone... that's why we have to make a point to spend time with those we love and care about throughout the year, not just during the Holidays.

I missed college boy Brandon who doesn't return from school for winter break until next week, and niece Zoe who is also away at college. But we will celebrate with them when they get home.
We should feel blessed that we have family to share our holidays with, and have a plentiful table filled with good cheer. Hope you are having a festive and meaningful Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas, or whatever faith & traditions you observe!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Day 231: A Long Day

I stayed back with Harrison and pal Justin Ruder. All three boys had to be at the park by 4:30 for a 6 p.m. game. In between Brian spent the day in Palmdale doing an ACN presentation and met me at Clover Park in Santa Monica for the 6 p.m. game. (ACN is Brian's second business, launched just about one year ago).

So here it is 10 p.m. on Saturday night and of course it's Los Angeles so every restaurant suitable to take 5 teenage boys, in dirty uniforms, to eat at was closed. And of course they were starving ... having been at the park since 4:30.

Friday, December 3, 2010
Day 230: Updates on Tidbits