My MoleSkin (an adhesive type band aid that prevents blisters) did not work and I have huge blisters on both feet. To help with today's recovery I took myself to get a pedicure. Felt great to have my feet massaged, but the blisters are still there. Very painful. The lower back, hips and tushy are still aching a lot! I plan on taking two Tylenol PM pills tonight to ensure that I can sleep with all the pain. A good night's sleep should help.
Now I know many of you are thinking, "Why the hell is she putting herself through all this pain!?" The answer is because I have a goal to run the Los Angeles Marathon next March - one month before my 50th birthday. Reaching your goal doesn't always ensure that the process will be easy or seamless. I know that training this hard and pushing my body this much would come with a lot of aches and pains. You can't expect to go from running no miles to 26 miles without discomfort.
So today was Mile 10. I did fine for the first 7 miles, but
after that the body was giving me a lot of lip. I walked and ran the last 3 miles which is a very respectable way of training. There are many people who only train with the walk/run method.

Time-wise I am doing okay. Not that I am running to be competitive or have a great time showing. On Labor Day Weekend I am running in the Disneyland Half Marathon which only allows participants the opportunity to run up to a 16 minute mile for the entire 13.1 miles. So that is about 3 and a half hours. After that they close the track. This is done to prevent people from registering for the race with the intention of walking it. Walking is NOT the same as running. Two different types of exercise. They want real runners to participate in this race.
On the short runs I can run a good time mile, but since we are going for distance, not running sprints, I am at 13 minute miles. If I can keep this pace for the next 1
0 days I should be able to finish the race in the required time allotment. And ya all thought I was just goin' out for a leisure run!

So I'm sitting on ice while I compose this post... and hoping my body will recover well enough to go out on Sunday and run again!
Call me crazy, but I love the challenge and the goal! Run Robyn Run!