Today we had a scrumptious break
fast at another one of their favorite neighborhood joints, Gracie Mews, before we headed off to the brand new Meadowland Stadium in New Jersey for a JETS football game. Harrison had researched the football schedule and discovered that we'd be in New York for a Sunday day game at the brand spanking new 1 billion dollar football arena. It did not disappoint that is for sure. Makes our Los Angeles Staples Center seem like an antique.

So we headed to Penn Station bundled up with jackets, gloves and hoodies. We took a train from Penn Station in Manhattan to Secaucus, New Jersey where we then transferred to a smaller train earmarked for the Meadowland Stadium. There we were us four Californians with a train full of green jersey wearing insane hardcore JETS FOOTBALL fans. That in itself was an experience!

All of us were in awe of the new stadium ... its grandness and newness and of course its prices. Brian and I drank 18 dollar Bloody Mary's! What a way to kick start your Sunday football action.

Our seats were awesome, of course thanks to the hubby Brian Simon. The boys were in awe. They have never been to a professional football game before (only college games) because of course LA doesn't have a professional team. So this was a real treat. And New York fans don't disappoint. For those of you who remember Raider football fans, you get my drift-- hardcore and committed to their team.
Well I gotta tell you the JETS team did not disappoint. I mean the last 49 seconds of the game w
as some of the best and most exciting sports action I have ever witnessed. I mean jaw dropping excitement as local Southern California boy Mark Sanchez throws a pass to score a touchdown and win the game with seconds remaining. The stadium erupted and we were all hoarse from cheering! The win made the schelp back on the trains bearable!

Pictured here are the boys Spencer & Harrison mowing on prime rib sandwiches! The food & bar area in the new stadium is the bomb! Absolutely a spectacular sports arena.
And as if the daytime adventure wasn't enough we headed back to kid sister Jen's apartment to change for a delicious dinner out on the town.
We hit a place called Peasant in the Chelsea area of
New York on the lower Westside. It's a Funky, cool, hip area of the city. The meal did not disappoint. There are no gas ovens -- everything is cooked and prepared in a wood burning oven -- delicious!! And a magnificent wine list too.

Pictured here to the right are kid sister Jennifer and me at yummy Peasant Restaurant. Pictured below is the gang enjoying our beautiful dinner to candlelight!

It was a truly full, fun, and adventuresome day with the family in a great city!

It was a truly full, fun, and adventuresome day with the family in a great city!
What a way to kick start our New York vacation! WOW!