Linda and her adorable husband Mitch were great supporters of mine during my city council campaign. Mitch was so awesome ... he stood on the corner of Robertson & Pico Boulevards waving VOTE FOR ROBYN signs on Election Day. Only real friends show up to do that job!
So Linda turned 50 .. all the gals at the soiree were already 50 or like me will be celebrating this milestone birthday within months. We laughed, talked and drank probably too much tequila... but isn't that what you're suppose to do ... let lose, because you've reached a place in life where you should be very comfortable with who you are and where your life is at ... this being said that doesn't mean we are not all working on making ourselves better people. I suppose that's what my personal running goal is all about. About pushing my body and mind to do more, to be stronger. We can always work toward being better.
Heim Reskin hosted our beautiful gathering tonight in her perfectly decorated and manicured home in Beverly Hills. Nancy in her own right is a rock star. Beautiful, talented and an inspiration. Her husband Victor was also a superstar during my campaign. Showing up regularly to work our phone bank sessions, convincing voters why they should vote for Robyn. Again it takes a quality person and a good friend to give of their time like that.

For those that showed up, I will never foregt and never stop appreciating what you did for me. Thank you!
So Happy Mid-Century Birthday my friend Linda... It was wonderful to be in your company tonight and to celebrate. Mid Century looks pretty damn good!