I'm six months older, he likes to say he prefers older women! Next year we both turn the Big 5-0 and have had many discussions about how to honor this milestone together. As you know I am running a full marathon. It's always been something I've wanted to challenge my mind and body to accomplish, and I thought if not now, when!?! Brian hasn't decided on some "BIG" thing to "do" to honor the Birthday. I think it's different for men then women?
We talked about taking an adventuresome trip with the boys. Maybe Africa? Maybe to Italy or Israel. We are not sure, but we feel like we'd love to usher the
year in with a memorable family adventure -- something that both Brian and I and the boys can look back and say, "what a fabulous time together we had back when Mom & Dad turned 50."

But a trip like that takes a lot of planning & resources. It's ok for us to dream and maybe we can make it a reality, but if not we'll get to these places with the boys one of these days.
In the meantime, Brian and I are content with knowing that physically we are both in the best shape we've ever been in; we have three healthy sons; we have a beautiful, warm home; we have a loving extended family; fabulous friends; and a bond between us that I hope lasts forever. I'd say that trumps any trip we could take and is worthy of a celebration everyday!
Happy Birthday Brian! May all your wishes come true this year and beyond!