Sounds quirky, doesn't it!?! But really it makes sense. We all (or should) keep lists upon lists --a market list, a reminder list, a to do list, a honey do list, and when we check the items off after completion, we really feel a sense of accomplishment!
What is it with us women and all our have to get done items in one day... I've rarely met a woman who doesn't always have something to get done that day --- rarely does a friend say I'm just going to lounge today! There's a household to run, a business to manage and family & friends to host, it's endless and without a "to do" list I'm not sure how one would keep track of all that needs to be finished.
Yesterday I posted a message about how overwhelmed I am these days. Whether it's the end-of-school year pressure to finish, or the ramping up for new business adventures, or what I don't know, but it's all too much these days! The endless to do list. Why does it never feel completed? Why is there always so many people & matters to tend to... if I had the answer I'd be a very wealthy woman I'm sure!
Even with countless attempts to be organized, to say no to every request, I still find myself upside down on my to do versus down time. A perfect balance would be to have equal amounts of relax time versus running time. This should be a goal, but then it would have to be added to the to do list and would just create one more thing for me to address!