Crazy weekend ahead. Hubby Brian is out of town stumping for his new business ACN. He's in San Diego attending a conference with his ACN colleagues. Go ACN TEAM! I'm in total prep mode for tomorrow morning's 10k Santa Monica Venice Christmas Race.
The teenagers play football after school in the Palisades on most Friday's so I headed out there late today to round one of them up while the other one spent the night at a friend's house. They both have to leave very early Saturday morning to head to Palmdale (more then an hour away) where they each have double-header baseball games.
So today was a lot of prep, coordinating and juggling schedules so everyone gets where they need to be in the morning. Especially because I too was leaving at 6 a.m. and the big man Brian is out of town. So what happens with these races, and games and plans becomes much more then the day of as we have a lot of moving parts with family members all traveling in different directions. I'm exhausted from all the planning.
Got to get to bed so I can get up before the sun and start all over again!
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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn