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Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 230: Updates on Tidbits

Several of you have asked me to follow up on some pending items that I have posted about on the Birthday Blog or to give more scoop about a particular topic.... so here we go ...

Yes, I am now talking to hubby Brian even though I wasn't post the scare of my life the other night .... (Read Blog Post Day 228)

The replaced Simon mattress is fabulous! So much better then the slab of cement we originally purchased. Brian and I are very grateful for our comfy snooze! (Read Blog Post Day 205)

The entire lower part of my body is in very bad pain from my fall the other day. I had a tough workout this morning, running suicides (sprints) and tonight I'm just damn sore all over. (Read Blog Post Day 229)

Kid sister Jennifer and beau Kevin sent us fresh farm cheese FedEx today from the countryside in New York! You may have read about it in my Blog .... We visited the farm on our trip to New York over Thanksgiving, Old Chatham Sheepherding Company, in Hudson, New York.
They sent us Hudson Valley Camembert Soft Ripened Cheese, made with fresh sheep and cow's milk! Can you imagine we received a box of fresh cheese all bundled and packed on ice packs! Delicious. (Read Blog Post Day 223)

And updates on painful matters going on in friends' lives. Since I wrote about some challenges friends were facing (Read Blog Post Day 207) unfortunately other very sad things have crept into the lives of people I love.
My dear friend & NWPC sister Terry Gibson buried her 18 year old grandson this week. He was a recipient of a heart transplant and didn't make it ... Just a young boy.... there's nothing you can say to a parent who buries a child or to their grandma... My prayers go out to Terry and her family.

Another family is faced with their daughter having major surgery next week to remove a tumor which has not been determined as malignant or benign. The waiting is a life sentence. Painful. Our prayers go out to this family as well.

And there are other very dear friends who are experiencing issues with their children that are very painful. All we can do is be there to listen, support and love. I send you all my love ...


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn