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Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 258: Make Today Count

Wow, the last day of a decade. When you reflect back on the year, are you happy with what you've accomplished? Disappointed that you didn't keep your resolutions? Pleased with where you are in life? Well, today's the day to take stock in your life, your relationships, your work, your community and decide what you want to change, keep the same, or improve upon.

Some people don't like making New Year's resolutions, maybe because they never stick with them! Others like to goal-set. Making goals and commitments is a plan that works for them. Everyone has their own style.

A few goals I have set for 2011 include:

1) Organizing my computer (What a disaster my filing system is on my computer!)

2) Catch up on my photo albums (I cherish my pictures and believe they chronicle the years of my life & family... I feel so damn behind!)

3) Read more (I love the feeling of being wrapped up in a great story, I miss that feeling and want to experience it more often in the New Year)

4) Continue my running (I've been training for the Los Angeles Marathon in March 2011 and I've stuck to this goal, it's so close now I can't give up!)

5) Launch my new Website (Wait to you see this gem, it's beautiful! Look for a launch announcement in the next week!)

Whatever your style is, at a minimum commit to living your life with passion and purpose.
My greatest wish for us all in the New Year .... May 2011 bring the world abundance peace.


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn