This is the year that most of my dearest friends are celebrating their 50th Birthday's! It's so fun that we are all reaching this milestone together, and it's especially cool to have so many reasons to get together & celebrate.
Today we honored gal pal Ruthie Bailey. Talk about the original party, fun girl, she's a rock star in this department! And she's a blondie too, which in my book makes her even more special!
Remember when I wrote about the holiday cookie exchange party I attended back in December (post #244) well this was Ruthie's party! I met Ruthie through her wonderful husband Chip Bailey, who hired me at the Century City Chamber of Commerce a few years ago. I adore Chip and then when I met the wifey, I knew these were very special people. Of the three people I asked to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf when I applied to law school, Chip was one of those folks... that's how much respect I have for him.
Like us Simon's, the Bailey's have three children, have been married more than 20 years, love to party, laugh, work hard, and are devoted to their family like Brian and I. You never have a boring time when in the company of these friends. So it was an absolute pleasure to lunch with Ruthie today and celebrate her!
Happy 50th my friend!