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Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 310: So Furious!!!!

I'm so angry, frustrated, furious, pissed off I really can't see straight -- nor can I adequately post on my daily Blog! My computer has exploded. I'm lost without access to my documents, and life! So sit patiently my dedicated followers as I won't be able to post in the fashion I like to... this post is being written from my son's Mac computer and I'm just not a mac user... everything is different about this device, I don't have my images stored here, or all the other bells & whistles I use to make my Blog look "pretty."

With so much going on politically, in my life, with the boys, I'm so mad that I can't share with you my daily observations, thoughts, passions & musings! Check back tomorrow and maybe my head & computer will be acting more appropriately!

Fucking technology is all I can say!


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn