I want to tell you all about the run, but I have to recover right now ! I'll post all the fun details, and the route that included 5 beach cities, in tomorrow's post. And yes we ran in the rain & cold, it was insane, but no way was I going to let this day not be marked with a huge challenge.

Funny thing is the run took longer then it took for me to birth the boy. Birthing was easy, some 20 minutes, running was close to 5 damn hours!
Can't believe my son has left the teenage years and is 20! Where have the years gone... I love him to the Moon & Stars and Back Again... and I LOVE running, just not 20 miles! More later on today's adventure!
PS I have to give a shout out to gal pal Suze

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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn