I successfully made it to 50 and completed my goal to Blog daily about the experience. Now it's a New Year and time for new beginnings... Join me as I chronicle life as an active political operative, writer, empowerment speaker, mom to three sons, wife, daughter, runner, friend, and mentor. We're going to have fun so please come along for the ride!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Day 11 -13: My Sis Is Not Doin' Well
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 9 & 10: 30 Years Later on the Pitcher's Mound

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day 8: Recycable Bags & Everything Else!

Don't forget to brush & floss. Don't forget to use your eye cream and nighttime moisturizer. And are you exercising everyday? A recent report said women over 40 need to get 30 minutes of cardio workout daily just to maintain. Shit I don't want to maintain I want to keep improving. And then there's the twice yearly paps smear exam -- always a highlight of the year. And the yearly mammogram, and the dental visits so my teeth don't fall out, and the manicures & pedicures, and the facials if you're lucky to have the time & funds. Then there's the hair grooming maintenance. I've way passed color & cuts and now have low lights & highlights, and extensions! And then there's the eyebrows. Not just waxing because when you are as light haired as I am you also have to color your eyebrows & eyelashes. Oh my gosh I'm exhausted reading this post myself. I have not even touched on clothes, shoes and accessories that we are required to keep up with. Spring is here and summer is coming ... do you have your summer wardrobe... and how about the bikini bod to go with it!
And then there's the charity work we all want to do for our children's school, our churches & synagogues, our neighborhoods. You feel guilty again if you're not doing it just like those market recyclable bags! Then there's thank you notes to write, and phone calls to check in on all the relatives, and if you know me, you know that's a lot of calls for me to make in a week! And you want to eat healthy so there's the constant attention to buying green & lean and trying to cook meals that please everyone in the house while still aiming to eat good. There's birthday parties to plan & attend, and RSVP response cards to return (hopefully in a timely fashion). There's relationships to maintain be it friends, spouses, partners, parents, siblings, children, co-workers - they all require attention. The family pet too needs grooming and nails clipped!
And how is it that technology has made life easier? Yes we can check our emails & texts while on the road, but that means we need to check them and respond. Another task. And if you FaceBook, Twitter, or Blog in the cyber world there's that to maintain daily too! I have not even mentioned a paying gig -- this is all what has to be done before we step into the office -- whether your office is a cubicle or a corner view, or your lap top in the coffee joint, it's all work and it's a demand!
I used to say I was tired the minute my feet hit the carpet in the morning just thinking about all that had to be accomplished in a day. That still hasn't changed. I feel that the demand to look as good as we want to look takes endless energy and now we also have to remember those damn recyclable grocery bags!
Are we tired yet?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 7: Hot Women Kicked Out of Dive Bar
Now keep in mind that the average age of the patrons at this place is boarding on 80, so yeah I guess having hot 40 year old women boozing it up would add a little too much color to the joint! Well you can imagine my aghast when my sister Michele called me to say "we are not invited to

PS: So if you are as outraged as we are please ban Billingsley's and join us at our new favorite watering hole THE BUGGY WHIP ... it's classic old school just the way I like to live it up!
PSS: We have video of our dancing escapades which I'll put up in my next post!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 5 & 6: Your Thoughts ... Thank You !
Wow... I never knew that writing a Birthday Blog would inspire so many people to reflect on their own lives! I want to thank you for all the poignant messages you sent about age, life and happiness. When you launch a new project you are not always sure what the reception will be, but I am overwhelmed with how generous people have been with their thoughts! Like these words of encouragement from my dear friend Pam:
Dear Robbie, Happy Birthday my young friend! Fantastic idea to find, feel, express & share those ever so unbelievably thoughts that travel, wonder & take us down that path we call life! I look forward to reading your blog in hopes you can shed some light on my path. It is so bumpy lately (very bumpy)! Loved the movie Julia & Julie! Love, you too!
This space is an outlet for my followers & friends to express what's on their mind resulting in the most insightful thoughts! Something about birthdays that make people take stock in their lives ... where they have been the past year, where they are heading in the coming year... disappointments & successes ... New Year's is similar, however, that's when everyone is experiencing self reflection , a birthday is just for you, it's personal and it also adds another year on to your age which can jolt the best of us. If your thoughts are any indication of what lies ahead for me, I'm in for a good ride this year! Keep the inspirational thoughts coming!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 4: What Do Boobs Really Mean to Women?

I am getting my implant out tomorrow, and my breast will just be one deflated piece of skin with a nipple still attached, thank G-d they can save the nipple, until the tissue heals in about a year. At that time I will get both implants redone, G-d willing. Which brings me to this ... Take some sexy pictures of yourself showing off your breasts - they are such a beautiful thing on a woman's body and I think its something we take for granted. They will never look as good as they do right now because gravitation takes place every day - hide the pictures in a safe place just for your own keeping, maybe share them with your husband or significant other. I kept trying to find a camera with a remote before I started radiation to do the same and never could. I wanted to take some photos, not only for me, but for Steve too because he is such a tit man. Now, for the next year, I will be having sex while in a Fredrick's of Hollywood or Victoria Secrets outfit to hide my boob. I know it could be so much worse, believe me. So, remember to do this. Robyn, make this a birthday present to yourself - seriously!
My dear Friend YES I will make this a Birthday present to cherish my body, my friends and their boobs and realize that a little sagging is far better then cancer and the pain my friend is going through ...
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 2 & 3: Martini's in Manhattan

We had a few glitches with the Blog, which is why a post didn't go up yesterday, but all should be up and running smoothly now! Below is yesterday's post .... I'll be posting more than once today to make up for lost time :)
Wow! What an adventure I had in New York visiting the kid sister Jennifer! Have not been to the Big Apple in some 13 years and even then I was tugging along 3 toddlers and not really able to absorb the shopping & eating side of such a rich city! Sister was a GREAT host & tour guide and my gal pal Lisa and I didn't leave a Chanel store undiscovered. Same for all the great shoe departments New York has to offer. What is it about shopping for handbags & shoes!?! And wow did we eat! The food was DELICIOUS! I could write an entire blog on the restaurants we visited and the meals we ate ... and of course the Martini's !
p.s. Better photos to come! This one is a little grainy but it was the end of the Birthday night (in the limo) celebration. And since gal-pal Lisa lost her camera (with the GREAT photos, in a taxi in NY) my sister Jennifer had to take this with her cell ... oh well!
More later ...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My Birthday April 17, 2010
2. Attend Law School
3. Finish My Book
4. Be A Political Reporter (again!)
5. Be As Physically Fit & Healthy As Possible
note: I would say "Own at least one handbag from all my favorite designers" however, I am aiming to be more spiritual with my top five goals - haha!
But for today, I am in New York City with my kid sister (Jennifer) and wonderful friend (Lisa) about to embrace all that Manhattan has to offer -- including good coffee to start the day! Here is to a fabulous year ahead!