It's been a long day and night. And a very disappointing one... several of my gals had bad nights at the polls ... more than anyone I know how a loss can sting, and it does... it really hurts.
My sweet Marisa Perez was a complete unknown and gave the Lakewood establishment a good run.... but she came up short tonight in her bid for Lakewood City Council. We worked all day calling voters and gave it our best, but in the end we couldn't pull it off.
The thing is though, Marisa will wake up tomorrow morning and still have her darling parents in town visiting from Texas, her supportive hubby Rudy, and her three healthy precious children. I'd say she wakes up a winner no matter if the voters of Lakewood elected her to office.
And in West Hollywood it's a tragic loss. Lindsey Horvath who was appointed to the council two years ago, lost her seat tonight. What an ugly, nasty election .... don't know why people have to be so negative. Who cares if she was appointed ... you had a chance to vote this time around, you didn't need to be nasty.
And in Beverly Hills, Lili Bosse was victorious, but incumbent Nancy Krasne's race is too close to call. And we all wonder why more women don't run for public office... it's a tough business, very personal, emotional, ugly, and that's just the campaigning part! I'm exhausted from the past few weeks... more tomorrow!
Robyn! Thank you SO much for all your wonderful support for my campaign. I feel good today as I sit in the Lakewood Starbucks getting back to work on my AQMD duties, which I have neglected for a few weeks. I love you and thank you for everything! It was a tremendous honor to have a wonderful woman and friend put in so many hours for my campaign. We WILL get them next time!
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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn