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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 267: The Office Cubby

This afternoon colleague Rebecca Simon and I worked for hours on several pending projects including my new Website (please visit to check it out!), to political endeavors, and potential speaking engagements for me. It was a very busy and productive afternoon.

Pictured here are us two huddled in her "office cubby". A tiny little cut our parcel that Rebecca has transformed to her "home office".

Who knew one could be so productive in such a tiny space. Makes you wonder why we always crave more, bigger, spacious. While it is good to stretch out and have room to ponder, there is something very inviting about small quarters. You feel cozy & warm and are far less distracted.

So there we were today, cruising along, drinking wine (of course) and getting our "stuff" done! A formal launch announcement for my new website will be going out this week and I encourage you to take a peek. This is a great way to kick-off the New Year.


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn