The boys returned to high school today. The routine is back in swing. While I am a schedule driven person, I have to tell you it was very nice these past few weeks to not be so constricted by schedules and deadlines. While Brian and I continued our work projects, and daily life still needed to be managed, it was great to eliminate that daily grind of school, baseball, homework, cooked breakfasts, horri
ble traffic, and packed lunch's.
The fast pace that we live can get to you, if you don't take some time to re-charge. While I didn't exactly have days at the spa as I was Holiday entertaining, and still schlepping boys here, there and every where, it was a nice break from the routine... so today was long, but productive. And tomorrow is a new day.
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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn