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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 145: May It Be A Sweet Year

Today is Rosh Hashanah. The holiday actually began at sundown last night. We kicked off the New Year with a sweet apples dipped in honey dinner with Aunt Michele & Uncle Michael, and cousins Esme and Olivia. We really missed Zoe and Brandon who are both off at college and Aunt Jennifer who is in New York and other family members that were not with us. (too many to list!)

At Rosh Hashanah we serve and eat a round Challah as opposed to the braided Challah eaten on Shabat. Do you know why this is? Because the round Challah signifies the circle of life. And this Holiday is about the circle of life and celebrating a fresh new beginning. It is a time for us to wash away bad feelings, thoughts, anger, resentment and start anew with our relationships and our life. (I recognize this is easier said then done!)

For those that know me well, and for those getting to know me better through my daily posts, you know that Fall is my favorite season of the four. I love when the cooler temperatures arrive and it's crisp outside. I love being able to light a fire to make the house cozy. I love the Autumn colors of burnt orange, brown and magenta. So when the Jewish New Year hits it's time for me to reflect on what the year has been about and what I'd like to have the New Year look like.

That requires a lot of self reflection and thought. Which relationships do I want to improve upon? Which relationships do I want to end as they are not healthy for me to be in or I don't get back what I give? How do I want to spend my time? With my children? With my partner? What professional work do I want to accomplish? How about personal goals. I've talked a lot about my running and my goals with respect to running a marathon. But what else? This is the time of year to wrap your head around such deep and meaningful questions.

So however you spend the Holiday... worshipping in synagogue, spending time with family and friends, being alone reflecting, I hope that you recommit to being the best person you can be... to continue helping others, and finding peace within yourself.

L'Shanah Tovah my friends ...


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn