There are no words to describe what it is like to run for 6 hours in a DOWNPOUR of rain, wind, and very cold temperatures... and WET socks, shoes and clothing... I might as well of wrapped 10 pound weights around my ankles because that's what it was like to run today!

But let's start with the beginning... up at 3:30 a.m. Off to Dodger Stadium at 5:30 a.m. Thanks to gal pal Stacy Bell for the ride that early in the morning. Hubby Brian and gal pal Rebecca Simon were off to the Finish Line to reserve seating for a surprise cheering party for me... I didn't know that these two darlings were planning such a grand finale for me! Check out the adorable invitation and t-shirts that they designed for my cheerleaders!
I only wish their beautiful plans had worked out, but who the heck could have projected these torrential rains!
Here are Rebecca & Brian hunkering down to ensure a front row seat to view me coming across the Finish Line... I can't stand how committed and devoted they are to me! Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for making such a special plan for my special race day!
While these two were handling the end-game plans, my running partner Melody and I were at Dodger Stadium waiting for the sun to rise! Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe I was finally at the start line. A
For those who've been reading my running posts, you know what I have endured and here it was the moment I had trained for... I wasn't nervous at all, just eager to start running ... the organizers of the race deserve a failing grade for their logistics (that's a post for another day) and it started with the race beginning late!
Pictured here are my devoted fans standing in the pouring rain... my sons Harrison & Spencer, sisters Michele & Linda, nieces, Olivia, Esme & Sophia, brother Josh, gal pal Farrel, the organizers Rebecca & Brian...
Melody and I made our way out to the Stadium and on to the streets of downtown Los Angeles. We ran through Chinatown, past City Hall, through Little Tokyo, up Hill Street past Disney Concert Hall... and we just kept goin'.
The rain NEVER stopped. It was relentless, Mother Nature was pretty pissed and she was testing all 26,000 runners. No doubt fellow runners were hurti
Along the course fellow baseball Mom, Jennie Fahn came out to cheer me on, and dear friends Steve & Jenny Savitsky greeted us at mile 24... we needed their big hugs and encouragement to finish the last two miles! A big thank you to gal pals Cheri & Teresa and daughter Carrie, who volunteered at Mile 16 but who we missed as we ran by, but knowing they were out there to support us was awesome!
The BEST part of the entire course was heading up to the Finish Line and hearing my family & friends yell out "Robyn"... I was so excited to see their smiling faces and to know that I was steps away from the finish line, it was a euphoric feeling ...
I did it... Run Robyn Run!
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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn