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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 150: Birthday Bliss

We celebrated my friend Melody's Birthday tonight! It's wonderful to honor your friends and to shower them with special attention. So gal pal Rebecca Simon, my sister Michele, and the birthday gal had a fun night out...

Pictured here are the "girls" out celebrating...

Birthday's, I have often written about on my blog, are a time for reflection. Was the past year what I wanted it to be? What do I want for the coming year? What goals do I want to set for myself? What do I want to accomplish for the next year? Who do I want to spend time with?

The last one is very important. The older we get the less time and patience we have to be in the company of people who don't offer any value to our lives. We become more selective about who we chose to spend time with. We really evaluate our relationships and whether we are getting out of them what we put in.

One of my goals for this 49th year leading up to 50 was to spend time only with people who value me and my friendship. I believe this is a good policy for us all to adopt. Be in the company of those you love and cherish and celebrate at every opportunity you have!

Pictured here are Melody and Robyn celebrating another year for Miss Mel!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for a wonderful evening !! This was a true evening of enjoying the people you want to be with ! You said it perfectly !!
How blessed do I feel when I'm with my girlfriends. Happy Birthday Melody !!

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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn