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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 28 & 29: He's Back!

I can't believe my first born son Brandon is back from college! He has completed his first year of studies at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. I feel as if we were just heading up to Oregon and moving him into his dorm room. How could an entire year of school already be over? (How could this picture have been taken when he was just 4 years old!?!)

As with all our milestones in life, they provide a time of reflection and an opportunity to take stock of our lives. And of course significant changes in our lives stir up the unknowns. I remember asking myself so many questions as we drove away from his school following parent orientation last September. Will he like school? Like his roommate? Like his professors? Will he do well in school? Will he like the Baseball program? Will he be able to handle being a collegiate athlete? Will he make friends? Will he party too little or too much? For the first time he will be living on his own. So much to worry about as his parents.

I am happy to report that he managed just fine. He completed his first year of studies which he reported were very challenging (yeah, it's college) and he carved out a nice little spot for himself on the baseball team. He did admit that juggling it all was difficult. His baseball t
eam was on the road almost every weekend travelling to other universities in Idaho, Washington and throughout Oregon to play 3 games in two days. And one road trip to Los Angeles to play in a tournament with local colleges. (Pictured to the left is Brandon pitching) And there were moments where he was very homesick, especially the first semester. But ya know what, despite the tough schedule, he wants to go back! The best few words I heard upon his return.

Going away to college is much more then just the academics & sports. It's about growing up and growing the confidence required to be successful outside the comfy little cocoon you have been living in for the past 18 years. Living on your own, managing your time & budget, doing your own laundry, juggling classes, maneuvering new relationships; these are all necessary responsibilities mandatory for becoming an adult.

As a parent that is our job. To grow and foster our children into adulthood. We want them to learn the tools necessary to navigate life successfully so they can live productive and happy lives. It's a big job and one that can't be taken lightly. It's taken a lot of work to guide my son to where he is now. Parenthood is work, but as we know, hard work pays off in life.

Today, I'm feeling like all that work has paid off and that I've won the jackpot with Brandon. He has mastered so much this first year away on his own! Here's to a summer with all my chicks back in the nest!


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn