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Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 188: Another Son Lost

Did you read about the shark attack today? Oh my goodness, a 19 year old college student was body-surfing in Santa Barbara and was attacked and killed by a great white shark. The shark tore the young man's leg off his body while his best friend watched in horror.

Another mother goes to bed tonight weeping for the loss of her son.

My eldest son is 19. He too is a college student. It's unimaginable for me to think about receiving the phone call that tells you your child is dead. Yet, this week alone two tragedies took the lives of two young promising men. Two days ago I posted about the 16 year old Sherman Oaks boy who was killed by a car while running with his cross-country track team.

The UC Santa Barbara student killed by the shark today was on the water polo team, he was a lifeguard, and an excellent swimmer. The LA Times quoted his father as saying they knew their son died doing what he loved, being in the water.

The teenager called his Mom right before he entered the ocean. He wanted to share with her how excited he was about the good waves... that was the last time his mother heard her son's voice.

I don't know why I'm so drawn to these stories. I suppose it's because I can't imagine anything more horrible than losing a child. So once again I remind us all to take stock in what we have.... to feel blessed that we are alive & healthy and that our children are safe.

Hug them again tonight very tightly.


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn