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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 23: Sisteromics

I attended the most invigorating gathering this morning with powerful & inspiring women! I was invited to speak with leaders, members and potential recruits about the benefits of being a member of the National Women's Political Caucus. Always one of my favorite topics -- how to get more women elected to public office! I have been a member and part of the leadership of the LA Westside chapter of NWPC for a dozen years and I am always excited to meet a woman who has made the decision to run for office. It never gets old for me. This morning was no exception. Pictured here from left to right are four NWPC leaders. Stephanie Molen, Field Deputy for State Senator Fran Pavley, Lindsay Bubar, Co-President of NWPC LA Westside, Betsy Johnson, Co-President NWPC LA Westside, and Lindsey Horvath, West Hollywood City Councilwoman.

It felt great to be talking about my campaign after a bruising loss one year ago. I felt powerful knowing that there are equally important lessons to share about losing a campaign as there are about being victorious. I enjoyed having a platform to share my passion for politics, women and running for office.

In addition to me sharing my history with NWPC and my experience as a former candidate, we also heard from a current NWPC endorsed candidate - Holly J. Mitchell who is running for the 47th Assembly District (pictured right). The election is June 8th. She is running in my assembly district and I encourage all my followers & readers who reside in Beverlywood or anywhere in the 47th to support Holly. I invite you to check out Holly's credentials and you'll see why I am supporting her!

She also coined a terrific term and shared it with us today: Sisteromics! Combining women with economics resulting in a better use of funds. Meaning that when you contribute to a woman candidate you can be assured that she will oversee that every dollar you give is spent wisely! Therefore it's Sisteromics! I just love this phrase!

We need more strong and inspiring women to join our mission and help us elect more qualified women to office. So if you believe we need more women in office, please consider joining our cause!


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Thank you so much for your interest in my 49th year! I appreciate your support! -Robyn